Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy National Aboriginal Day!

I don't know, something about National Aboriginal Day sounds a little too politically correct or something. Couldn't we at least drop "National" and just assume it's national? I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

Also, happy solstice!

We've come to the end of transcribing. It took a lot longer than I thought it would, but this whole project is a learning experience, eh? A lot of people have asked me why I would bother transcribing all the interviews. With so much footage, I need to be able to keep track of it, figure out where interviews overlap on similar subjects, see what I can juxtapose next to each other - basically, now I go back to my original idea and outline, and structure the interviews so they fit, or restructure my outline so it fits the interviews. Because the basic structure is a road trip, it should all go together without too much forcing. But the practical end of it means I need to rewrite the script to match the dialogue. Yes, it does sound backwards.

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