Saturday, April 29, 2006

Toronto to Perth

While we're out here, we had to hit a Maple Festival. It seems to be a staple for Ontario and Quebec this time of year, just not in the areas we've been in up to this point. So I had to make a point of getting to Perth's Festival of the Maples, the last festival I could find. And sandwiched between Toronto and Ottawa, Perth seemed like a good place to stop and try to find some small-town life off what one might think is the busiest route in Canada.

We ended up out here last night, and found a motel. There are a few bed and breakfasts, but anything affordable on our budget is booked or closed this weekend. This morning we headed down to the festival, the bulk of which runs along the main street. Besides the various maple producers, they've got booths for Green Party and some local social causes. We ended up talking to Jackie Seaton, a potter who creates and donates stoneware bowls to the Empty Bowls program to promote awareness of hunger and child poverty in the community. You can buy a bowl of gourmet soup and take the bowl home, and money goes towards the Perth Food Bank. It's a nice example of people putting their talents to good use.

So after getting some footage of Ukrainian dancers, Scottish pipers, crowds of people, and a quick lesson in tapping maple trees, we're going to try to make our way back to Toronto, where we've left our packs with Lyle, Neil's second cousin, and then on to Hamilton. There is no bus running today though, so wish us luck . . .

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